Meet our

Tracy Dickey

Tracy Dickey is the founder of Empty Hand, Open Heart. This organization started with her dream to help others survive and thrive past their difficulties, after she experienced a difficult and traumatic situation in her life. Her love for martial arts blends seamlessly with her passion for helping others. She aims fervently to make Empty Hand, Open Heart a place that is welcoming and safe for all, a haven where women can rebuild both their inner and outer strength. 

For the past 10 years, Tracy has been regularly volunteering at local domestic-abuse shelters and rescue shelters for victims of sex trafficking. She spends every week with these women, dedicating her time, energy and love into helping them find healing, and develop skills to help protect themselves. Her passion and knowledge of self-defense and martial arts has helped empower hundreds of women to regain their self-confidence and take control of their lives. For many, recovery is a lifelong struggle and journey, and Tracy is there for them in every capacity she can, to listen, nurture, and guide. Empty Hand, Open Heart isn’t just a project for Tracy, it is a growing appendage created from the genuine compassion and love she has for every single person who she’s been able to meet.

During her own recovery journey, Tracy became active in training in traditional Isshinryu karate. Twenty-one years of training has earned her a 5th degree black belt and the title of Renshi which means Polished Instructor, above even the esteemed title of Sensei.  She started her own dojo/school within Texas Isshinryu Karate Kai’s over 15 years ago in East Plano. Renshi Dickey became a World Champion in Isshinryu in 2006. In 2015 she received the honor of being named Female Karate-Ka of the year at the International Isshinryu Hall of Fame - a prestigious honor given to one woman per year who has shown incredible dedication, impressive performance, and for being an overall exemplary example of what it means to have the spirit of Isshinryu and karate within you. Renshi Dickey has received the Harold Mitchum Humanitarian Award from the International Isshinryu Hall of Fame not just once, but twice in both 2019 and 2022 for her acts of service in her community, which she continues today in many avenues alongside being the founder of Empty Hand, Open Heart. She is an inspiration to her students and she passes on the skills she’s developed after so many years of tireless training and commitment to all of her karate students, the women at the shelters, and to Empty Hand, Open Heart. She also currently volunteers at The Local Good Center in Plano. 

Tracy is blessed to be married to her husband Kurt of 32 years and has 3 sons and 3 grandchildren. She adores her boys and was very active in raising them, often volunteering as team mom in many sports programs over the years such as serving as Head Safety Marshal and Meet Director for USA swimming. She lives a life rooted in Christ, and is grateful for all the wonderful blessings she’s received and the strength He gives her to continue her volunteering. She previously taught Vacation Bible School for First United Methodist church of Richardson, and has volunteered countless hours as VBS’ head mission coordinator for 5 years. She started and led two United Methodist Women's groups, while also serving on the board of United Methodist Women. 

Tracy’s lifelong mission is to help as many people as she can, and help so many women who have had their life derailed unfairly regain their strength and confidence, so they may heal and recover to have a wonderful future.

Meet the Board

“I encountered many types of abuse in my life, and lived in so much fear. I felt broken, but that is not where my story ends…”

“I believe God has given us all a purpose in life with special gifts for us to help impact others. These gifts are molded by our experiences, and the things we’ve seen in this world.

My personal journey has been riddled with hardships. I encountered many types of abuse in my life, and lived in so much fear. I felt broken, but that is not where my story ends - I was saved, and I live a life now that fills me with so much joy.

My healing started with my martial arts training, and I’m compelled to share that knowledge. With each person I teach, I know I am able to make a difference in this world to make it a better place, and I continue to heal.

I want other victims to know that there are people in this world with compassion, love, and kindness, and that there is a way out for them to live their lives. It is my adamant goal to help them find their strength and courage once again, and help them transform into the amazing individuals they can be.”

~Tracy Dickey, Founder